Kirby presses her face against Byron's.
All you have to do is be mine again.
Byron turns away from her.
That's your biggest mistake, Kirby. Thinking that I was yours to begin with. You never told me how you felt! You never said anything when I started talking to Dawn! Yes, you and I had a connection, but I thought it came from our love of martial arts, not for each other. You never expressed...these kinds of emotions for me. We were students -
We were partners! You and me! I was yours and you were mine! After all these years, after all we've been through, don't stand there and act like you didn't know! How could you just leave me like that?
Whatever you think I've done to you, it still doesn't justify murdering my wife!
Kirby sighs.
So if you're not here to join me, what are you here for?
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